It has been almost a month since Marielle Franco was assassinated together with her driver in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
And still isn't "clear" who killed them. 
It is a great tragedy to those who Marielle represented as a politician, to so many others that her life touched directly and indirectly and me.
Sadly, I wasn't aware of her work while she was still alive and kicking but her passing has taught me, for all that I have understood when I researched, listened, discussed and learned about her short lifetime.

Since her passing, many manifestations have occurred all over the globe.

I like to say that we Brazilians are everywhere but turns out that some are also very engaged with what happens with our country despite the distance. By coming together, adding people to the discussion, going to the streets, sharing experiences and different perspectives, we can all be a little bit more connected. 
What can we learn from a tragedy after the pain ceases to hurt? It's hard to know exactly because every tragedy carries its own measures of frustration and unfairness. But Marielle's case has inspired me to create movements of causes I believe in. 

Thank you for all of you who take initiative, not only to improve your life and the ones of your family but also the ones of my family, my friends, our community.

These are some photos that I took during the event: Black.Feminist.Activist - Honouring the Life of Marielle Franco. Organised at NieuwLand in collaboration with Amsterdam Black Women Meetup.